Live each day to the Fullest 27 December 2009
One week at my new camp's over! Nothing at all to be happy about despite booking out on the third day of camp then booking in on Christmas then out again yesterday and in again today. Make sense when we haven't done anything proper this week? Not at all! Just another 4 weeks of orientation(which basically is rotting) and it'll be down to my specialisation. Didn't seem like Christmas at all this year.

CG Christmas Dinner yesterday
Pray for me guys, I need loads of encouragement this period. Camp just doesn't too positive for me right now...
It's over
2:49 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 20 December 2009
My block leave finally comes to an end, and tomorrow marks a new day of my life, all the way at Changi Naval Base. For those who don't know or are asking me where I've been posted to after BMT, there you have it. I'm now officially a regular with the Navy as a Navy Material Specialist. Doing what? Logistics & Supply Chain related, just as what I had studied in poly.
These 2 weeks are gonna be short in camp though, with Christmas and New Year both happening on Fridays! =D Still, I look forward to an enjoyable journey there, hoping to learn as much as I can, gaining much experiences in life there. The only thing I dread as of now - travelling to changi. And if I were to be posted there after my training? All I can do is smile. =D Just imagine 1.5hrs to and fro everyday (3hrs in total).
Well, I still thank God for allowing things to happen, for arranging my life the way it is. Many have asked me why I've signed on, but think of it, being a regular in the Navy ain't that bad afterall. I'm serving the nation at the same time! Just think of it, 'what are you going to be able to afford in 5 years time at let's say 25 years of age, perhaps just getting a degree, or having started work for a year or two. Would you be able to afford a house, be able to get married or even have kids?' Think of it. I'm hoping to achieve what many deem as unachievable.
That's all I have guys! Enjoy the festive season! God Bless!
It's over
8:13 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 17 December 2009
And FINALLY... my new pair of adidas is out! I transformed this....


Catch me wearing them out soon! =D
It's over
11:58 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 13 December 2009
Great day out with my cousins after church today. And it was a pretty fruitful trip over at Sommerset 313. =D In a totally jazzy mood today.

It's over
11:01 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 12 December 2009
Sometimes, we ought to take some time out of our busy schedule, to write a simple note, to tell that someone, how much you love him/her.
It's over
3:22 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 09 December 2009
For all times, I had to have a fever just 1 day before my POP! I was having a really bad migrane and flu at the same time. As a result, I was sent home by the MO though I told him I very much wanted to stay. Just too many cases of people having H1N1 and fever in camp. Having mixed feelings of not being able to attend the parade though I wasn't going to be in it. My PC and Section commander weren't going to be there, so that was kinda sad as well. Not being able to say goodbyes together in tekong, not being able to take pictures together just seemed like the 3 months spent there didn't happen at all. But I guess, God has a plan for everything.
Still feeling rather sick at the moment, but there's just so much to do this 10 days before I get posted to my new unit.
I needa:
1. Go for Physiotherapy @ AH
2. Alter 2 of my jeans
3. Go down to CMPB to change my NSF status
4. Meet up with the CG @ Timbre on Friday
5. Look up investment opportunities
6. Meet up with whoever wants to meet me. ha.
Christmas is just coming so quickly, and I thought for every christmas starting from this year, I am gonna bless someone I have barely talked to or know. =D
It's over
1:14 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 06 December 2009
Time passes really quickly, and before you know it, it's December already. It was pretty great to spend the entire saturday in camp(I wasn't confined. ha). With almost everyone gone, just a couple of us left, I got to enjoy a quiet day, cool breeze, nice sleep. Guess this was my only chance that I got in Tekong to enjoy such serenity.
Great time I had in the evening with Cher and SJ. And today's gonna be the last time I'm gonna book in to camp. Pretty much mixed feelings. But it's POP! Yup, on wednesday, 091209. =D
It's over
2:37 pm