Live each day to the Fullest 29 August 2010
I know I've not blogged for 2 weeks, and yes, August is coming to an end just like that. Life's been really busy with so many things going on, plus... I've officially stopped procrastinating and decided to go ahead and plan my 21st Birthday 2 months ahead! That's what has been keeping me busy all these while. Details more or less confirmed. Guests list out, invitations sent. What's left is simply confirming the number of people (est 130-200pax), confirming with caterers and suppliers and ensuring whatever needs to be done is done asap! And 1 month before it all happens, I'll be one happy guy sitting and relaxing not having to worry so much, enjoying my day when it finally arrives. So if you've received my invitation, then please respond in facebook cos it's a by invitation party only. =D I'll be back here soon when I have a little more time to spare. Have fun through the week peeps! God Bless! =D
It's over
10:48 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 15 August 2010
The weekend's been totally awesome it burnt a hole in my pocket! haha. Anyways, let me talk about the eventful weekend bit by bit...
Friday, 130810 - Went out with Cyn, Cel, SJ & Eugene to celebrate Cel's Birthday! Awesome company, good food, good night! Raindrops at Scape was pretty good, only that they made me wait long for my squid pasta which was pretty good.
Saturday - 140810 - Had some fun at CG! CG's getting really more and more fun with lots more people joining us each time! Played some sheep game which was pretty ... ha. Then it was over to Bugis, Arab Street to celebrate Calvin's 21st Birthday! And we had some good view of fireworks happening at the YOG opening, though it wasn't much.
Sunday, 150810 - Church, then went out with the not usual group to have Suki Sushi over at Cine! They really amaze me this time, with their order whatever you want which includes all the sashimi! I've never seen so much sashimi infront of me like that before. ha.
I didn't know YOG taxi's had a special car plate!
Look at all that sashimi!!
Well, it's gonna be a brand new week! Lot's of stuff coming up! I hope and pray for it to be good, through the grace of God.
I'm beginning to not like going out right now. =X
It's over
10:07 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 10 August 2010
Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday! Indeed a long weekend off work! Though I've been doing quite a number of things despite nuaing for 4 days, I so don't feel like going back to work. I mean who wants to right?
Went over to Red Star earlier to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. Pretty quiet, not much business. Service wasn't good at all, food pretty okay though it wasn't up to my standards. =X
I'm just hoping for the remaining of the week to go well. At least no more disappointments I hope...
It's over
10:22 pm
It's over
1:55 am
Live each day to the Fullest 06 August 2010
A girl/man you love may hurt you,
it'll feel like a fine sharp needle,
piercing through your heart.
It hurts, it's painful, it causes you to tear.
You know, you love him/her.
But soon, it'll be gone.
Because love isn't always,
when a good and close friend hurts you,
it'll feel like a nail went through,
deep down.
It hurts, it's painful, it causes You to tear.
You know, it won't be easy,
It wouldn't go off so easily.
Because You still love him/her.
They're always there.
More than that someone You thought would be,
And because they love You, they'll always be there for You.
That's who your true friends really are,
There for You...
It's over
12:22 am