Live each day to the Fullest 07 July 2006
Hi guys, it's the tenth day of my chicken pox. 10days of mc have passed and soon it's back to school. both sad and happy. ha. I'll be able to get back to my projects and meet my frienzzz but goodbye to the long sleepin hours and entertaiment I have. haha. O well. thanks to you guys that have showered me with concern and have always asked how I am.
Thank him always for his love endures forever. thank God for everything. despite havin chicken pox I have not suffered the least at all. Though as the number of dots increased as the days go by, they go off bit by bit as the days go even further. Ha. Despite feeling a little itchy and comfortable at times. I have not suffered anythin severe.
Not a fever,
Not a flu,
Cos there's nothing God cant do.
If you cant imagine how good God is,
Just know that he is greater than Man and Beast.
Despite going through uncertain times,
Open the Bible and he'll give you a verse that rhymes.
Be sure to know that he is always there,
He will never leave you with pain that is too hard to bear.
His love endures forever.
Hope you guys enjoy this poem I have jus written.
Don't copy. haha. =D
It's over
8:39 pm