I know... it has been a real hard long time since I have blogged. yea. Haven't seem to have got the mood to write anything at all though so many things have happened. Just to lazy to blog. Well, 4 weeks have passed since I started school and so many things have taken place.
To update about myself. I have been sick all week long up till now. having sort of gastric as well as diarrhoea all week long. Pretty bad. Cant sleep well and my stomach hurts alot. I'm also having me stats test and a oral presentation next week. phew.. stress.
I'm planning to start my online business asap and perhaps some other businesses as well. Anyone interested can always contact me. Well, what else is there to sya. Don't feel like saying much.
So Just some crappy pictures. Nothing much of late. Alrights. Nights
And this is some irritating guy I saw in the MRT sitting right at the door where it opens. Stupid right. want to sit can at least sit at the one that doesnt open. So when I went in, I just kicked him and he woke up, and still sit there. WTH!!!
High view taken from TTC
Just some nice scenery at some reservoir
MY favourite 12 piece drum set. It's a total mix drum set of many brands