It is the start of the hols and I have decided not to waste anytime of my life anymore. Who knows what may happen tomorrow. Well. The start of my hols was pretty a good one I guess. ha. Went out with fannie and liyan on friday. Went to watch Deja Vu at cineleisure. Pretty good I guess. Then went walking around at city link and then we went to walk around and take pictures at the esplanade. And that was about it.
Saturday was a day at home. Didn't go out.
Sunday was church as usual, but it was all 5 services combined as it was a thanksgiving. Super crowded of course. Then in the evening went to meet charis to pass her some stuff at cwp. Then we went to orchard and it was like raining. And the performers at orchard couldnt perform. That was kinda sad. So Just walked around. Bought my fav toriQ. haha. The it was home. that's about it.
And now it's monday. and it has been raining like all day. No where to go. But I hope the next few days will be more fun and not wasting my life away.