The first day of work. Well, it certainly was an interesting one. It all started at 6am when I had to drag myself out of bed. Got ready, and hitced a ride from my neighbour to aljunied. Had my breakfast there while enjoying the morning breeze.
I must say that the journey to work was real interesting all thanks to a map taken from the online street directory that made me think and SEE that my work place was so near Payar Lebar MRT station. The people told me that it was a few stops away but not exactly how many. And so I took the bus one stop down alighted and guess what, I was no where near it. And so I had no choice but to cab down. Nice. Just one morning and I had to take a car then mrt then bus then cab. WOW! But still, being Mr Punctual, I arrived on time. And ya, the building is kinda freaky. I pressed the 5th floor and went up. But guess what, it unknowingly stopped at the 2nd and I thought it was the 5th. I got out, walked out walked one round the building which was a carpark. WOW!
What a morning I had. My collegues are nice people! there's like only 4 of us in the office. ha. pretty fun day I had. Managed to learn some stuff. Did some sorting of some slips etc etc.
The sorting I had to do. =D
That's my desk
The nice view from my office. ha. btw, it's freaking windy outside you can hear the wind howl real loudly even with the windows closed
there's like only 2 stalls at the canteen? wow. No where else nearby to eat? wow. and something more freaky happened. After lunch, I took the lift up to lvl 5, and guess what, it ended up at lvl 6. omg. And that's about my day. And now I shall head to work by mrt to toh payoh and then bus. My transport is so gonna cost me like 100 bucks a month. =( And I'm paid like only $450. =(
Shall share somemore pictures taken during this festive season soon. =D