Live each day to the Fullest 16 March 2008
It's sunday and work starts once again tomorrow. At least it's a four day week week this week due to good friday. This brand new week at my new work place, ST Logistics (Army Logistics Base) has been a rather interesting one. It certainly is completely different from my previous work place in terms of environment, people and FOOD! I totally believe that we should be contented with what we have in the first place because something new may not always mean something better.
Waking up at 630am this whole week really irks me, having only waking up at 730 when I was working at Bushido. Reaching work at 740am when work starts at 8 makes no sense, This is because the bus picks us up at 730am at CCK. What's more, I have to wait for my supervisor to come in order to get into the room cos I'm in the same room as her. Less than a metre apart. How cool can that be. I cant surf the net at leisure or go online. Stuck with work all day, looking foward to lunch and home constantly. O well, what's my job scope? Well, previously I was doing AR(accounts receivable) at Bushido. And now... I'm in the finance department doing what? Accounts Payable. ha. how cool can things get. Everything is accouting. Maybe I should switch to some accounting course instead of supply chain soon. ha. O well. Enough of work.
Saturday was spent doing a shoot at sembawang park. Thank God for the really good weather after raining for days. But sadly, I'm not too happy with the end product. Doesn't seem to good to me. Or would I say not up to my standards. Or perhaps, I've become so rusty after not shooting for ages. So many images were blur. I guess my hands are shaky now? ha. Partly due to the fact that I was also standing right on top of a ladder, bending down, and shooting. It ain't easy. My hands, legs, and back are aching now.
Then it was home to rest, and then out to Siti's House for her son's 1 year old birthday party. Well, I volunteered to be the camera guy again. ha. I didn't tell her before hand, but I guess it was good timing cos no one else had a camera on hand. The food was really great too! Stayed till 10 odd and her parents sent me home. Saved cab fare. ha.
For your information people out there and too my friends as well, especially to those that know that I'm a photographer. A photographer provides his/her services at professional standards. I don't believe people actually bargain for cheaper rates. I mean if you certainly want to bargain for cheaper rates, my suggestion would be use your own camera and take them yourself. That way, you'll certainly save alot. Marriage is once in a life time thing (maybe not now) and if you aren't even willing to spend that little bit more, why bother finding a photographer in the first place? It certainly pisses me off that people put my skills to a compromise on pricing.
Teenage sex has led to many early marriages and as a result led to many divorces. If you have read today's Sunday Times, the muslim community has infact made muslim marriages legal at the age of 18 instead of 16 previously. Why get married so early in the first place? I don't believe young people don't regret marrying so early because one thing for sure, they haven't had their fair share of fun. What's more, their puny brains haven't awaken to the rising of this cruel, harsh and real society. Their thinking are simply just too imature, and too, they lack the responsibility parents have to face. This is life people. Think twice before starting a family because consequences are real, they aren't a fairytale.
I shall just stop here. I know I won't be able to blog very often now due to work that really burns me off. phew....
It's over
9:31 pm