And so, the week has ended and there's a hole in my pocket. OOPS! Well, on friday, I somehow didnt need to sleep all the way to saturday nite. Was online talking to nana till like 430am (saturday morning), slept at 5am, woke up at 8 plus. Amazing feat for me. Then it was off to church for DG and then to calvin's house to 'swim'. Get what I mean?
when i was stoning at wistma
And today, it was church, and then lunch at Rocky's Pizza. A blessing from some church members to my family. =D God's great! It was a really heavy lunch for me, though I didn't exactly eat alot. And I came to realise that sunset way is a very nice place to be at. It's quiet, and the place is just filled with different sorts of restaurents. Must visit that place again sometime soon.
And here's some pictures of the ring I bought. =D
And here's what I've been waiting for! No more having to do everything in one screen. Plus, it's BIGGER, which means movies with a wider screen and photo editting with much ease. Presenting to you, my Acer P193W 19" wide screen monitor. =D
And I just got my haircut today. Wad a week it has been. In just 3 days, I'm close to $500 poorer. =( And therefore, I will be starting work this coming week. Sorry for the long post with loads of pictures. Sorry if your com lagged. ha.