Live each day to the Fullest 27 May 2008
Humans just aren't perfect as one should know. With that matter in hand, we know that we often make mistakes that often may hurt others without us knowing them at all. It's until one day that they actually realise the harshness of their deed, and perhaps, it may not have been realised at all.
What's with the world? Everyone's taking it as if it's meant to be like this. Not having the determination to change it for the better. Why should we conform to the patterns of this world? Why can't humans just learn to stand up for what they really want in life. I guess just that 1% in the world does that, perhaps slightly more, that's why we have politicians, leaders, significant people that stand up for what they believe in. I certainly do not believe in conforming to what I feel ain't right to me. Why should I? I just believe that it is so important to stand up for what you believe in.
If you do not agree with what another says, prove what you really mean.
If someone goes against your relationship with God, rebuke Satan out of him.
If people are just so childish, talk some sense into them.
If you're just totally not in the same frequency with him, perhaps, just leave.
Who in the world is there to declare or predict when our world is going to end? WHO? WHO? Who are these people in the world that somehow think they're so smart as to 'predict' when the world will end. If you can really do so, I'll then know you as God, if not you're just a bullshitter that has the evil one, satan in you. And if you call yourself God, but you didn't create this universe, then I will rebuke Satan out of you. Blasphemers!! Satan! Out of these people you evil one. Only God knows everything and anything.
We won't know when the end times are. Today? Tomorrow? Only God knows. But be prepared for we'll never know when it happens. Just read revalations, the last book of the bible, and you'll know what exactly will happen.
It's over
5:57 pm