Live each day to the Fullest 13 July 2008
Today's Youth Sunday, according to the Chinese Annual Conference(CAC) calander. As such, the service was combined. To cut things short, since I had many more things to do, the sermon was really GOOD! But of course, words had to come out of a wonderful speaker with God speaking through her. The sermon was something about God speaking to young people. Often, as we grow older, we sometimes do get tired of serving and even as God speaks to us, we can't hear him. This lesson has taught me plenty and I'm glad, it really spoke to me. And here's Aaron my good friend giving his testimony. =D
And after all that happened in church, my best pals and I went over to Marina Square to have lunch. Pretty far for lunch, but yes, we had fun talking. After all, I had to head over to SMU for a network working session after that.
And as said, I went over to SMU, School of Social Sciences, for a networking session by 'Tee', a committee that is organising a ebiz exhibition, for which I will be exhibiting my shoes as well! This session allows bother entrepreuners taking part, as well as partners like me(Justin Kon Photography), to get to know more people, make friends, and talk business together. This has also allowed me to broaden my social circle. I certainly had alot of fun making new friends, and I believe, this will also be a platform for many new business opportunities. I believe that business is not always about making me first, it's all about the passion you have for something you love.
Taking the opportunity I had, I snapped a picture of the National Museum from the 5th floor, where we were at.
Opportunities do not come all the time, sieze every moment you have, make full use of it!
It's over
10:47 pm