Live each day to the Fullest 07 August 2008
School was quite a waste of time today given that nothing really productive was done or learnt. Went over to Fish & Co. at Douby Ghout after school for our class outing(lunch). Had the usual New York Fish and Chips + Soup(tasted great) + Passion Fruit drink. After all that stuff, went down to city link for a short walked. And that ended up with me buying a CD, 'Best 2008'. Songs in there are totally the clubbing feel. I just love blasting songs, feeling the bass in my room these days. =X Well, for those who do not know me well, I have a fascination of sound and speakers. I would love to fill my room with speakers. =D Well, blasting music really allows you to somehow go high, forgetting the crappy stuff.
Tomorrow's 08.08.08 and yup, my neighbour's getting married. Gonna have some fun time shooting another wedding. Went over to blow some balloons earlier(with a vacuum =D)
Getai? It's taking shape. ha. I believe it will be starting tomorrow. =X
It's over
9:56 pm