Live each day to the Fullest 15 June 2009
Waking up from my sleep, I feel so sick. The time spent going to work, working, going back home, adding up to more than 12 hours a day certainly makes me deserve a long rest. It was definitely fun working at the IT show though the pay wasn't as great as a boring job, but it certainly gave me a chance to meet people, friends, and most importantly it allows me to challange myself. I think I just enjoy doing sales, and I think this would only apply to products I feel are worth promoting.
On the other hand, the IT show has also allowed me to see the other side of people, and what people are like. Some Singaporeans, and others do not have the courtesy a basic normal human being should have. If you show no interest in something, I feel that the most basic courtesy would be to politely decline rather thatn just walk away without a bit of courtesy saying a simple no or even shaking their head.
Anyways, I got myself a portable HD, a usb port to replace my dead one, and a card reader. At least it's something. ha. No pictures this time. =D
It's over
1:23 pm