Live each day to the Fullest 05 July 2009
Right now, I'm just so having mixed feelings, so much running through my head. I wonder what's wrong, what's right. I'm tired every night, but somehow, I just can't get myself to sleep no matter how much I try to. Maybe a shot of vodka or gin may help, or perhaps some whiskey. Sighs... This week's pretty much empty, nothing much to do besides the gym. I failed my TP but no driving for now till the date gets closer. I'll just rot, sleep, and let weird thoughts run through my head.
On a side note, I'm pretty addicted to lovely korean dramas now. ha. Especially those with Kim Ah Joong, the actress from 200 pounds beauty. But sadly, she hasn't acted in many drama or movies. Do share with me if you have any nice Korean shows to introduce to me. =D
We may not be able to get the one we truely love, or find it hard to love someone.
But, we have a God, that loves us all, so unconditionally.
That's the difference between God.... and us.
It's over
11:59 pm