Live each day to the Fullest 03 October 2009
I'm back after two weeks of hell. Black with white areas like an oreo. ha. Besides, Ive gotten myself a shin splin, an over stretched hamstring, and lots of aching muscles. went to see the chinese doctor for a massage and now it seems to be aching more. It's back to camp tomorrow evening and I just hope the new week will be a better one. And I just hope my legs will get better so I'll be able to run, run, run and do just more running. I just hope to pass my ippt at least once during this 13 weeks there, build some muscles and be a fitter person. Three weeks have passed by, and honestly, I don't really feel any different in my body, apart from having one week off training due to my injury. Training will just continue and my legs will not have the time to heal fully. Well, this is life. Weekends are just for me to laze around now... I seem to be catching a movie each time I bookout, and each time I go out, I spend a bomb. =X It's lantern festival, with a rainy sky, sadly, no moon can be seen. Ok, I think I'm just crapping a whole load of crap. That's it! =D
It's over
7:26 pm