Live each day to the Fullest 17 October 2009
It's been a roller coaster ride for me in camp having my ups and lots of downs. My leg condition hasn't seem to have improved and as a result, I just can't seem to be able to participate in many activities though I very much want to. I've been put on 2 weeks excuse for my lower limbs, given a referral to see a specialist as well. I really hope that everything will go well so that I may resume training.
Anyways, yesterday was bookout and so far, I don't think I've wasted my bookout's a bit at all. The moment I reach home, I take a shower, and out of the house I go. ha. Yesterday was over at Furama Hotel for my Mum's nephew's wedding dinner. Nothing much though. But at least I could do something rather than stay home.
Gonna go out later with the sec school peeps and then my loves. =D I'm actually considering if I should sign on with either 3 forces. Going for the pilot test on Monday! =D No promises. lol.
It's over
1:59 pm