So much has been happening among my friends and it really does get tricky when handling such matters. It's not just a matter of who's side you are on but more importantly, how one is actually thinking, his/her actions that have affected those around, and ones moral values. You could just say that even that person of yours was a friend for years, you definitely will not be able to see how a monster he/she can be. Friend? Definitely no more.
If friendship could be thrown away so easily, there's no need to try salvage it, not at all.I'm pretty much on the verge of exhaustion again. Work, more work, issues of the heart, friends behaving in ways I ask myself why? Ultimately, it boils down to tolerance, the state of mind one is at, and how mature ones mentality is. I don't know if I've grown too old in terms of how I think or have those around me not grown up.
So much has been on my mind...
1. Are those around me not just acting their age, thinking maturely, or am I just having a different state of mind, thinking differently from everyone.
2. Is friendship that fragile?
3. Loving is not all about Having. True?
But through all these, I'm glad as friends, we actually did try to meet up after a realy long period of not meeting up due to our own commitments. And I'm glad this group of friends I have, are able to sit down and trash things out, whatever unhappiness we have each other
Life goes on, friends change, love a mystery. Just know that God is in control and his love is greater than any other... God Bless!