Live each day to the Fullest 22 December 2010
I guess a injured left thumb during this festive season doesn't help much. But it got me thinking. Was there a reason for it? Does God want me to drop what I am doing just to be still before him? Perhaps overworking ain't the right way to treat my body after all. And it seems that my body's just to flexible I'm pretty much prone to injuries at my joints. I'm just doing all it takes to make sure it gets well I don't even mind getting it wrapped for a week though it's really inconvenient.
Christmas is just 3 days away, and YES! My presents are here! Presents to give of course. I usually don't give presents to that many people (over 100), but since it's my first year of work, I just thought I should bless everyone. It's been a year of blessing for me, and yup, it really is important for me to bless others just as much as God has blessed me so richly. I just love giving more than receiving anyways, and I hope that everyone would come to realise that giving brings love, shows love, to the people around you, you'll feel even more blessed in return.
Have a blessed christmas everyone! =D
It's over
9:27 pm