Live each day to the Fullest 25 October 2009
It's been the most suckiest week of my life. Not only that my leg is acting up all the time, I've been having migranes till the point of puking, and now I'm having a flu but I still have to go back to camp. It's gonna be 2 crazy weeks ahead and I just pray I'll be able to pass them all well, with a better mindset in place.
Despite all misery, I enjoyed myself though I spent my 20th in camp. But I thank you all for all the birthday wishes I received. Thanks guys. And over the weekend I enjoyed myself, not exactly enjoy, but yea, I was tryin to enjoy. Friday was over at wala wala with the loves of my life. Thanks guys, though I was totally gone at the end.

Yesterday was spent at some Bali restaurant at Seletar celebrating 4 October babies birthdays. Pictures will be up soon. ha. But I guess, it's times like this that make me feel better, knowing that I have my true friends around me, always encouraging, always there for me.
So guys, just continue to pray for me. For strength, for the people around me, and for a spirit that will continue to fire with power. All glory be to God.
It's over
3:24 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 17 October 2009
Great day with great people! Really enjoyed myself at dempsey. Ate at a restaurant called Barracks. Nice place, nice food, pretty good service though it's a little pricy. What matters most, the company. Thanks guys! Love you all!

I'll be back in a week! =D Nights! God Bless!
It's over
11:56 pm
It's been a roller coaster ride for me in camp having my ups and lots of downs. My leg condition hasn't seem to have improved and as a result, I just can't seem to be able to participate in many activities though I very much want to. I've been put on 2 weeks excuse for my lower limbs, given a referral to see a specialist as well. I really hope that everything will go well so that I may resume training.
Anyways, yesterday was bookout and so far, I don't think I've wasted my bookout's a bit at all. The moment I reach home, I take a shower, and out of the house I go. ha. Yesterday was over at Furama Hotel for my Mum's nephew's wedding dinner. Nothing much though. But at least I could do something rather than stay home.

Gonna go out later with the sec school peeps and then my loves. =D I'm actually considering if I should sign on with either 3 forces. Going for the pilot test on Monday! =D No promises. lol.
It's over
1:59 pm
Live each day to the Fullest 03 October 2009
I'm back after two weeks of hell. Black with white areas like an oreo. ha. Besides, Ive gotten myself a shin splin, an over stretched hamstring, and lots of aching muscles. went to see the chinese doctor for a massage and now it seems to be aching more. It's back to camp tomorrow evening and I just hope the new week will be a better one. And I just hope my legs will get better so I'll be able to run, run, run and do just more running. I just hope to pass my ippt at least once during this 13 weeks there, build some muscles and be a fitter person. Three weeks have passed by, and honestly, I don't really feel any different in my body, apart from having one week off training due to my injury. Training will just continue and my legs will not have the time to heal fully. Well, this is life. Weekends are just for me to laze around now... I seem to be catching a movie each time I bookout, and each time I go out, I spend a bomb. =X It's lantern festival, with a rainy sky, sadly, no moon can be seen. Ok, I think I'm just crapping a whole load of crap. That's it! =D
It's over
7:26 pm